Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Last evening our local quilt guild celebrated our 20 anniversary. PALS- Patchers at the Lakeshore. All the past chairwomen who could be there brought in their quilt they received when they finished their term in office. Here are a some of them, (I missed the first few). I was the 4Th chairman, here I am with my quilt.

Some years we had "group" chairwomen, with different styles of quilts.

This wild boarder fabric was a guild challenge fabric the chairwoman had for her year so the board used it in her quilt.

A sampler.

These 3 ladies called the 3 amigos all received a quilt, only one brought hers.

Crazy quilts.

My good friends Kay and Mary.

My friend Judy with her co-chair Kathy.

They made all the past chairs a wonderful "corsage".

One of the founding members Pat Holly came back for our celebration. Yes Pat, the famous quilter who has won numerous 1st place awards at Paducha and is published in many quilt publications.

She shared with us one of her newest "India" inspired quilts made all from silk. It was beautiful, the intricate detail and the richness and shimmer of silk. My picture does not do it justice.

She also made a small piece for her daughter titled Pink Elephant.

I took a close up of my quilt at home, the little girls are our quilt guild logo. The different guild members who made the blocks made the girls in their image, (hair color, clothing etc.). This quilt has so many memories of great friends with some of the blocks of friends who have moved away or passed away.
Mel that is you, third from the left bottom row. The only one with a 3 dimensional dress that lifts up.

A few of the blocks, my friend from Alaska in her parka with silk ribbon embellishment.

Sue, in her corduroy jumper who moved to California. Joni with her lace vest and tote bags full of fabric.

Jody with her pearls, Kay with her quilted vest and quilt.


Deb Hardman said...

Ahh yes, I do remember that quilt & how stunned you seemed to get it!

Pat's new quilt looks like another winner. Just beautiful!

Melodie said...

It is amazing how much the girls on that quilt look like their makers! What a riot!

  • Deb Hardman
  • Allie Aller
  • Jenny Bowker Cairo