After a long month of computer problems and an extremely busy summer hopefully I'm back. I miss blogging, it makes me slow down, take more pictures and at the same time pushes me to put my dyeing/quilting ideas into action so I have something to share on by blog.
I did a little solar dyeing this summer trying for a rusty red. First though I rolled up some wool with coreopsis flowers, steamed the roll then I put them in a jar with madder root and more coreopsis. I left it in the sun a week
The middle of the Sun is the flower print and the Sun's rays are from the middle of the fabric made by the string.
Along the way we found these wonderful treasures, old clam shells. They still are washing up from a hundred years ago when shell button factories were located on the river. They use to drill out buttons then throw the shells back into the river.
My summer planter at it's best. I'm ready to redo it for Fall.
To all of my moon watching friends, I was not able to see the Full, eclipse moon. Our skies which hadn't had a cloud in them for 10 days were thick with clouds. I caught a small glimpse of it but missed most of it. Hope you had better viewing.