Last Fall, India Flint (the natural dyer extraordinaire and discover of Eco dyeing) from Australia began a project titled "Solace".
In a nut shell this project is like the Tibetan Prayer Flags. Using a natural fabric anyone can make a "flag" and "stitch a word or phrase on it that might act as a wish for peace or an acknowledgement of beauty ..."
prophet-of-bloom.blogspot.com To understand this beautiful project more fully (as there is so, so much more to it) and hopefully participate, click on the link and scroll down the left side to read all about it.

My flag I made from a piece of raw silk I Eco dyed last year with some of my birthday flowers. A birch bark cross hangs below my prayer "for the women and children world wide". Wool yarn ties are stitched on each side for hanging.
These flags have to be in Australia by the beginning of June. You still have time to make one!

With supplies running out it was time to make some natural body cream. I assembled some healing flowers (organic calendula, lavender and rose petals) into a jar and filled it with organic coconut oil

Set the jar in a pan of water on the wood stove to infuse for a week. (this was the last of the wood heat as we're finally warming up here)

After infusing the oil I strained it through 4 layers of chees cloth, twice. You don't want any organic matter left in the oil.

Set it on the stove to simmer

added natural shea and coco butter. After it all melts together stir gently and add a few drops of lavender essential oil or what ever oil you like.
Pour it in a jar. The little cakes have a little bees wax melted in also, firming them up and helping to hold in moisture. Their great to keep in your purse or next to your bed to use on your hands and feet right before you turn out the light.